The Reacting Consortium Library is the restricted-access instructor site where affiliated faculty can download student and instructor's materials for games in the "Reacting to the Past" series and many others in development.
Whether it's understanding RTTP as a student, collaborating online with other instructors, or developing your own creative ideas into a new Reacting Game, the Consortium is here to help!
The Reacting Consortium Library is the restricted-access instructor site where affiliated faculty can download student and instructor's materials for games in the "Reacting to the Past" series and many others in development.
The GM FAQ is now live! Check out this living document, crowd-sourced from dozens of experienced RTTP instructors, answering many of the most commonly asked questions about how to run a game in your own class.
A group for instructors, student preceptors, and game authors interested in discussing "Reacting to the Past" games. Posts can only be seen by other group members. This is a closed group-to request to join, please fill out the short form on Facebook.